
Paula Kowalski joined the veterinary technician team at Camelot Court Animal Clinic in September 2001. Her job responsibilities include general nursing care, assisting during surgery, performing dental exams, anesthesia monitoring, assisting with administrative duties as well as medical supply ordering. Her favorite part of the job is general nursing care and assisting in surgery. Paula is self-described as compassionate, and she is proficient in all areas of the clinic.
“I feel that we practice the best and most innovative medicine,” Paula says. “I have worked here for 15 years and enjoy the bonds I’ve created with clients, patients and colleagues.”
At home, Paula has a 15-year-old lab mix named Rocky, two 6-year-old domestic shorthair littermates named Rod and Reel, a 2-year-old domestic shorthair named Hazel, a 17-year-old domestic shorthair named Rodgers and two crested geckos named Buddy and Amber. In her free time, Paula enjoys reading fiction and nonfiction, watching movies and traveling—especially to a beach, where she feels most at peace.