Online Patient Forms
We offer our patient form(s) online so you may complete them in the convenience of your own home or office.
Download the necessary form(s), print it out and fill in the required information. Then, fax us your printed and completed form(s) at (913)469-9278, email it to us at [email protected], or bring it with you to your appointment. If you do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, click here to download.
- New Client/Patient Registration – If you are a current client who simply needs to update your information, you may fill out only the portion that has changed, if you’d prefer.
- Anesthesia Consent Form – We provide this form for clients to read/sign prior to any surgical procedure or any treatment that involves the use of anesthesia. While we ask that you wait to sign until you are present in our office at the time of the drop off, we wanted to provide a copy for informational purposes.
- Application for Employment – We provide this form for individuals who would like to join the Camelot Court Animal Clinic team. Please complete the application for employment and follow the instructions for submission at the bottom of the application.